Levels of maturity. Consider our completely transparent missions

The Talsion defense company has chosen to publish all of its maturity levels in order to provide clients with an accurate view of its expertise.

Level 1 : Experimental mission

The mission was created specifically for the customer and has been performed only once.

Benefit: establishment of a custom made mission with a moderate cost.


Level ‬2‭ :‭ Initial mission

Once the mission is created, development and laboratory tests validate the concepts and types of reports.

Benefit‬ :‭ innovative mission at a ‬reduced cost


Level ‬3‭ :‭ Standardized mission

The mission was carried out at least 20 times with our customers, processes have been defined, and staff have been trained in the use of tools and the standardization of the mission.

Benefit : quality mission‬ at a high technical level‬


Level‭ 4‬ :‭ Mature mission

The mission was performed at least 100 times with our clients, our innovations evolve the mission regularly, and a quality management process has also been implemented.

Benefit : high quality mission at a very high technical level
