Our company. simply expert

Talsion is a company specializing in computer security audits and traditional or advanced penetration tests. Our approach is largely based on research in offensive security and on innovations in the area of defence technologies.‭

Talsion was created in Paris with a single statement‬€ :

It is sometimes difficult to create original security tools or have access to leading edge technologies within a company.

With several years of expertise in computer security, we decided to create a different company that offers all our consultants the means to go beyond the current state of knowledge.

Unlike companies in the computer security sector, our main objective is not to make profits, but to share our knowledge and effectively strengthen the security of our customers’ information systems.

Thus we have developed some of our own differences to our method‬€ :

  • To our team, the value of a company dedicated to computer security is based on the quality of men and women that make it up, as well as the financial resources made available to them.
  • During our missions, we don’t hesitate to acquire particular technology or to launch a research dynamic to meet the specific needs of our customers.
  • We reinvest a significant portion of our profits in our business, in order to promote the creation of French innovation in computer security.
  • In addition, each year we participate financially in alternative projects.

These guidelines allow us to add genuine value to our missions that are often distinguished by the quality of the provided reports, the innovation of our tools, and the diligence of our consultants.

Our credo is simple: to provide tangible security while accompanying our customers beyond the simple presentation of reports.